Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why did I get $196 speeding ticket today?

Today (10 April 2008) I got a $196 speeding ticket, but I am so excited that not even this could dampen my enthusiasm!

Let me explain… I am about to embark on an incredible challenge and I am putting everything on the line – literally everything, including my money, my job and my hard-earned reputation.

Two hours ago Shaun McCowat asked me to help him out. This is hardly news – after releasing my Underdog Marketing Formula (which by the way has been unavailable and off the market for some time now) we’ve have had heaps of clients – but they have all been owners of already established businesses. We’ve always had a solid foundation to build upon.

(By “we” I mean PR legend Penelope Herbert, salient marketing whiz Terry Reeves and myself)

Anyway, this is not the case with Shaun - he is completely different from our other clients: he is only 19 years old, has never had a business, knows bugger-all about marketing, has never created a website, and has no money to spare.

It looks bad enough, but it gets even worse: Shaun’s passion is get-fit industry (he is a Personal Trainer), which has a big market but the one that is saturated by competition. We’re not talking about some tiny forgotten niche where you can easily achieve virtual monopoly. We’re talking about a BIG, real market already populated by powerful competitors… who have big teams… with big budgets… and big already-established customer base. Everything Shaun does not have!

It is an uphill struggle - imagine a race with everyone so far ahead you're not even in the picture. And apart from a circle of friends who'd give their right arm for him, no-one has even heard of Shaun. He is clearly an underdog, but he has 3 things going for him:

1) His desire to succeed

2) Ideas

3) The helping team

Speaking of Shaun’s ideas, I’ve been trying (and failing) to get fit myself for a long time, but when Shaun started telling me about what he had in mind, I was literally blown away… and filled with hope that it was only a matter of time before I got fit again.

Anyway, I love a challenge and this is a BIG one. The challenge of helping Shaun succeed from a no-win situation was so energizing that on my way to meeting my partners Penelope and Terry I forgot about the speed limit… and was promptly caught by a cop with a hand-held speed camera. A $196 fine!

As a matter of fact, I NEVER exceed the speed limit. I am known to take unreasonable chances in business, but when it comes to driving I am one of those guys who ALWAYS go by the rules and NEVER put other people’s life or well-being in jeopardy by speeding. But just thinking about the challenge ahead made me forget the rules and step on the accelerator – and into the hands of a policeman lying in an ambush!

The fact that we’re talking about a wide 4-lane street did not make it any easier. After YEARS of religiously observing every traffic rule I didn’t feel that the fine was fair – but I owned to my mistake, apologized to the policeman and promptly paid the fine.

Fortunately, when it comes to a helping team my partners Penelope and Terry are not only great marketers but also nice people. Yes, we’ve already had a full load of clients – any more and you run the risk of not being able to provide the best possible service – but Penelope and Terry too were keen to help Shaun, even when it meant working for free and losing their spare time. They too have always wanted to help the underdogs – people who badly need quality marketing information but cannot afford to pay for the top consultants.

Penelope, Terry and I reach another important decision: Shaun is not the only person who needs this information, so we’re going to share with you every step of building an insanely successful business from scratch – you’ll know every why and how-to.

Stay with us as we help Shaun through the initial hurdles – next time I’ll explain in detail:

  • Who is Shaun and why do I help him and risk my reputation– even though the odds are stacked against success

  • Getting started can be overwhelming - what you MUST DO to overcome the odds, and

  • Why do we give away powerful strategies that can truly make-or-break your business– even though we can charge top dollar for this information.

With warm regards,

Dr Alex

P.S. You probably have a story of how YOU managed to overcome the difficulties. Why not share with others your 2 biggest hurdles and what you’ve done about them?

Just click on 'comments' below to leave your comment.


Unknown said...

Hi! It's a good idea to share your experiences, business, life, with other people. This is the right way to stay close to your customers or potential customers.
Good luck!

Dr Alex said...

Hi Gerardo,

Thanks for the comment and kind wishes!

Next week we're posting a video - if it doesn't rain, fingers crossed :) - (we're planning to film around our Mawson Lakes offices)

It's going to be a fun get-to-know-you video - after which some serious work begins...


Anonymous said...

We have had many hurdles in the last 2 years of our experience. Going to prison for a DUI, getting out and starting 2 businesses that did not produce financially. Racking up big credit card debt while going through this. This of course is brushing over many other micro-hurdles too numerous to mention. What did we do to get through it?

We studied the laws of the relative for awhile. We did everything on the movie "The Secret". We discovered that individual beleifs held us from accomplishing what we wanted, and we took action which changed our financial situation. Now through study of the "enlightened ones" we realized that it's all the play of on universal consciousness and have realized our eternal nature prior to physical form.

What does all this jibberish mean?

We are FREE...and always have been!

You may have to walk in our shoes to truly know what we are expressing, but if we could tell you one thing to help you overcome any so called "hurdles" in your life we would say:

Inquire within and know what you are not.

With LOVE,
Joshua & Angie
Feel free to ask us questions.

Dr Alex said...

That is quite a story!

You're right, we all need more spirituality in our lives.

I find that connecting to people in a meaningful way enriches your life - instead of trying to work it out on your own.


Anonymous said...

Dear Alex,

Thank you for the opportunity to express. Tried to reply to your email, but it came back.

We also thank you for the audio editing program (Antechinus). We use it in
the most
interesting way.... We have a website established and will be posting a few audios for everyone's benefit.

Joshua & Angie

Anonymous said...

Pretty good post- can't wait to hear more ;)

As for me the biggest hurdle I seem to have is inertia. I like to keep going in the same direction I was heading in previously. However, once I get going though I can accomplish quite a bit.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you branching out to help people market their products. I've enjoyed your JavaScript Editor over the past few years, hope you will do as well in marketing ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Alex,
I am looking forward to following Shauns story as I too will be in the same boat as him in the future.
i think it's great that you're helping 'the underdog,' as i imagine ithout you Shaun would face a long struggle to break into the market against heavy competition. I can't wait for the next blog entry to see what you've come up with.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a story to keep an eye on ,
i wish the best of luck too Shaun in hopes of bridging his struggles in the future..

Anonymous said...

good luck :D

Anonymous said...

hi this is a really good idea that you guys have had. i hope this works out for you all. good luck guys

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Alex,
I think this is a great opportunity which you are providing, not something you hear about everyday. Good luck with everything and I hope you succeed in all of your endeavours.

Anonymous said...


Quite a good read. Would really like to see this take off.
All the best.

Anonymous said...

good luck kids. you crack that market good

Anonymous said...

Sounds good!! I'm glad to know there are busniness's out there like urs that will support others just trying to start out, its fantastic!! Good luck with everything

Anonymous said...

Cracking into a market place that is already so large can be diffivult, but if you have a competitive advatage and you persist with your dream, you can crack any market!

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Alex,
I think this is a great idea. your really gonna be helping a lot of people with this. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Alex, good luck with your project, hope you launch Shaun into a successful career. Great idea. I'll be watching with interest.

Jennifer Orange