Monday, February 23, 2009

Understand the purchase cycle and conversion processes to enhance your SEO web strategy


The world of search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) is highly dynamic and remains unfamiliar for many businesspeople. In this new business TV show, ecommerce expert Finlay Clark share his best business ideas and latest sales advice on getting the best return from your SEO and PPC campaigns.

Clark focuses his sales advice on protecting your brand name with PPC, and planning a web strategy that focuses keywords on different stages in the purchase cycle.

One of the key issues that ecommerce clients are interested in, says Clark, is how brand and generic keywords work together in an SEO/PPC web strategy. Many clients, he says are unsure of whether or not to use their brand name as part of a paid search campaign, since they will already be getting very high rankings for it in natural search through the major search engines.

Clark’s sales advice is that in general businesses should bid on their brand name for PPC campaigns. This is because PPC gives you a great deal of flexibility in terms of running PPC ads designed for a particular sale or special campaign at a particular time of year. This can be a very effective business sales strategy, and it allows businesses to develop copy specially for these ads, and integrate them with other promotional material.

In his sales advice on the show, Clark also gives business development tips on using generic keywords and brand keywords together. Generic keywords are really the key to building your online sales, he says. People usually search on generic keywords early in the purchase cycle, and only use brand name searches when they are closer to the actual purchase.

Clark strongly advises using click path analysis and similar tools as part of your web strategy in order to find out exactly which keywords have played a part in a purchase, and therefore where best to focus your investment.

A controversial and provocative, all-revealing book by Dr Alex and media/public Penelope Herbert is about to hit the bookstores - Underdog Marketing:
Enrich Your Reputation, Fashion Free Publicity and Wrestle Your Market Share from the Top Dogs


Friday, February 20, 2009

For even the most self-confident person, arriving at a networking meeting can be daunting moment. With the right business networking advice, however, you can overcome unhelpful emotions like self-doubt, to make the most of your business networking strategy.

In this business TV show, business expert Andy Lopata shares some commonsense, practical business networking advice on developing a business networking strategy to let you conquer the fears and doubts that we all feel from time to time.

In the show, Lopata tells the story of a client he spoke to recently who was very nervous about approaching other people at events, because she feared they would reject her. Her crisis of confidence was seriously compromising her business networking strategy. This was despite the fact that, in her professional capacity, she was dealing with CEOs on a daily basis in a competent, confident manner.

When it came to networking events, she couldn’t help asking herself , “why do these people want to speak to me? What do I have to offer?”

In his business networking advice on the show, Lopata explains the business networking strategy that he recommended for this client.

He told the woman to write down two lists. In the first, she wrote down what her clients valued her for, and what they liked about her. In the second, he asked her to write down why someone would like to go on a date with her, why a night out with her would be a lot of fun.

When she read back the list, Lopata asked her if she thought people at a networking event would like to meet someone with these qualities. Of course the answer was yes. The idea of his business networking advice is to reinforce to yourself all the positive qualities you possess. Often your fear of networking can be subconscious and irrational, and takes a business networking strategy like this to counteract.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Score more sales: refuse to take rejection personally

If there is one piece of business sales advice that everyone working in sales needs to take to heart in order to become successful, it is to refuse to take rejection personally.

That’s according to Lori Richardson from Score More Sales, a leading sales blogger and one of yourBusinessChannel’s regular business experts. In her weekly show on yourBusinessChannel, Richardson offers practical business sales tips to boost your sales results.

In this week’s sales advice, Richardson stresses the importance that everybody working in sales learns not to take rejection personally. In her business sales tips, she explains how to separate out the fact that you might have been turned down by a prospective client, from any feelings of personal rejection that you may experience.

It is essential to separate out these feelings, says Richardson in her business sales tips. There are many reasons a prospect might turn you down, but none of them relate to you as a person. It could be about the service for product you are trying to sell, or it just might not be the right time for them to buy.

Richardson’s expert sales advice is to think about an prospect who turns you down as a future customer. Perhaps the timing isn’t right, but they will be interested in buying in the future. Perhaps you can refer them to someone else who ahs a product or service that is more closely aligned to their needs.

The most important thing, says Richardson in her sales advice, is that you don’t shut down when someone says no. Once you make this switch, she says, your rate of success will climb and your business sales strategy will be transformed.

Richardson shares more expert business sales tips in the remainder of this show, and every week on her regular spot right here on yourBusinessChannel.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Find a worthy purpose for your business resources


It may surprise many people, but according to acclaimed business expert and author Roger Hamilton, aligning your business resources and objectives with a worthy purpose can have really great results for both outcomes.

Hamilton explains this idea in his latest business TV show on leading online business TV network yourBusinessChannel. He contributes his latest business advice every week on the channel.

Great businesses are focused on creating true worth, says Hamilton, so business resources are directed at more than just profits. In his business advice, he recommends that all businesses consider whether they are creating true worth, and if not, that they give themselves an injection of purpose.

Try as you might, if you focus solely on trying to become wealthy, you will not achieve this. This is simply because none of your contacts and customers care about making you rich. On the other hand, if customers or investors know that they can work with you to make the world a better place, they will be much more willing to buy your product, or contribute business advice or business resources.

In his business advice on this business TV show, Hamilton gives an example of a business who grew beyond all their expectations by aligning their business resources with social and environmental outcomes.

The owners of the business found that suppliers more willing to work with them, that customers were keen to buy their service, and soon they had to upsize their business resources in order to cope with demand.

Says Hamilton in his business advice: “I would say that anyone who is thinking about being in business, or wondering how to make their business more successful today, turn it from something that is a vehicle of wealth to a vehicle for worth.”

Roger Hamilton’s shows appear every week on yourBusinessChannel, alongside over 70 other world leading business experts.

News: the book by Dr Alex and Penelope Herbert is about to be published: Underdog Marketing: Enrich Your Reputation, Fashion Free Publicity and Wrestle Your Market Share from the Top Dogs
The book has the power to transform your business - and ships on the launch day with $2,000+ in COMMERCIAL business-building bonuses. Not to be missed!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The IT sales tools you need to drive more sales

Sales 2.0 is a widely used term used to describe many new aspects of selling, developments that have changed the way we sell. It’s now faster, and far more effective, which is great within the context of this slower economy. The well rounded sales business experts know that it’s also about the internet, and the tools that the web can now on offer that simply were not available before.

Today there are myriad Sales 2.0 Tools available to the online business owner. And these are tools that offer far more than CRM to track what sales people do for management - these tools actively work with sales people to help them sell more.

In this business TV show, Nigel Edelshain, CEO of Sales 2.0 shares his top expert business tips on sales 2.0 and how it can help you to increase your sales success. He also offers some examples o tools that sales people should definitely be looking at.

“We looked at our own research see how Sales 2.0 is playing out in the area of prospecting. We identified 3 variable factors that will tell us your probability of getting into the buyers office,” sales and business expert Edelshain reveals. “These variables include the quality of your prospect list, trigger events that change in the buyers environment, and your actual relationship with the buyer.”

See this business TV show to find out which tools Nigel Edelshain recommends to ensure you have covered each of the three variables. This business TV show is one of several featuring Nigel Edelshain’s top expert business advice, and you can find many more top business tips in this Expert Tips series, with new releases each week here on yourBusinessChannel.